Makery is the medialab of ART2M and an online information media (newsletter, website, social networks). It aims to cover the dynamism and give out information on the creative communities and the scene of labs, art and social innovation.

    MCD / Digitalmcd.com is the essential French-speaking platform for the analysis and news of digital culture and digital art; as well as a source of open archives. The paper journal is now reserved for special events or releases. At the same time, MCD multiplies initiatives, workshops, meetings and events in partnership.


    The Fab City Grand Paris dynamic brings together creators, designers, architects, urban farmers, innovators, Fab Labs and consultancies committed to boosting the metropolis’ circular and collaborative economy.

    MAX (Makers’ eXchange) project is a pilot policy project, co-funded by the European Union, that aims to define and test policies and actions supporting the mobility and exchanges of experience between the cultural and creative industries, creative hubs, maker-spaces, fab-labs and formal and non-formal learning and skills development systems in a cross-sectoral way and embed makers’ mobility schemes for skills development and inclusion into mainstream CCIs support programmes, policies and ecosystems across Europe.


    Art4Med aims to build-up interdisciplinary transnational cooperation between artists and the health sector in order to support and produce exploratory art projects that promote access to healthcare. By collaboratively co-designing methodologies and discussing their implementation in local contexts, we can learn from each other, identify best practices and opportunities to grow our own communities with long-lasting bonds. Produce open and transferable resources to better understand co-creative processes between art, science and technology.

    Open Source Body festival is a co-production of Art2M/Makery/MCD and the Cité internationale des arts, organized as part of the ART4MED program.


    The European project More-than-Planet (2022 – 2025) finds an urgency to re-examine the way people understand and picture the environment on the level of the planet as a conceptual whole, together with partners Waag (NL), Ars Electronica (AT), Northern Photographic Centre (FI), ART2M/Makery (FR), Leonardo/Olats (FR) and Zavod Projekt Atol (SI). In a collaboration with artists, critical thinkers, and various experts from cultural, environmental, and outer space institutions, the project will address this crisis of planetary imaginary.

    Aerocene is an interdisciplinary community that seeks to devise new modes of sensitivity, reactivating a common imaginary towards an ethical collaboration with the environment and the atmosphere, free from carbon emissions.

    The Laboratory Planet The newspaper « The Laboratory Planet » was created in 2007 at the initiative of Ewen Chardronnet and the group of artists Bureau d’études who assumed overall editorial responsibility since. In the last issue (may 2024), we imagine a peasant and neo-peasant future, invented by planetary peasants, organized in diverse territories, cultivating biotopes that are more heterogeneous, more democratic, and therefore more habitable than those of imperial cities.


    Rewilding Cultures is a Creative Europe collaborative project that aims to reposition nature and the wild in artistic practices linked to science and technology. The project was initiated and is coordinated by Projekt Atol Institute (SI) in partnership with Schmiede (AT), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), Catch / Helsingør Kommune (DK), Udruga Radiona (HR), Bioart Society (FI) and Makery.info (FR)

    Archipelago: Art and Science Investigations in Times of Unstable Knowledge is a 20th months research program that proposes a distributed research collaboration between Switzerland, France, and Japan around issues of resilience, circularity, and carbon transition, with a focus on macro- and micro-systems, microbial worlds, and functional and evolutionary ecology. Supported by the synergies program of ProHelvetia.


    The Roscosmoe platform is an art & science initiative that hosts or supports artists conducting researches in the field of marine biology & biodiversity in partnership with the Multicellular Marine Models laboratory of the Roscoff Marine Station (France). Roscosmoe connects marine biology, space ecology, design, anthropology of science and intermedia art.

    The Soil Assembly is an international gathering of artists, designers, curators, architects, educators, activists, farmers, and hackers that highlights thinking in practice and monitors developments across local/critical zones, awareness of multi-species futures, environmentally friendly and fair transportation of food and feed, as well as social struggles for agroecology and climate justice.


Makery is the medialab of ART2M and an online information media (newsletter, website, social networks). It aims to cover the dynamism and give out information on the creative communities and the scene of labs, art and social innovation.

MCD / Digitalmcd.com is the essential French-speaking platform for the analysis and news of digital culture and digital art; as well as a source of open archives. The paper journal is now reserved for special events or releases. At the same time, MCD multiplies initiatives, workshops, meetings and events in partnership.


The Fab City Grand Paris dynamic brings together creators, designers, architects, urban farmers, innovators, Fab Labs and consultancies committed to boosting the metropolis’ circular and collaborative economy.

MAX (Makers’ eXchange) project is a pilot policy project, co-funded by the European Union, that aims to define and test policies and actions supporting the mobility and exchanges of experience between the cultural and creative industries, creative hubs, maker-spaces, fab-labs and formal and non-formal learning and skills development systems in a cross-sectoral way and embed makers’ mobility schemes for skills development and inclusion into mainstream CCIs support programmes, policies and ecosystems across Europe.


Art4Med aims to build-up interdisciplinary transnational cooperation between artists and the health sector in order to support and produce exploratory art projects that promote access to healthcare. By collaboratively co-designing methodologies and discussing their implementation in local contexts, we can learn from each other, identify best practices and opportunities to grow our own communities with long-lasting bonds. Produce open and transferable resources to better understand co-creative processes between art, science and technology.

Open Source Body festival is a co-production of Art2M/Makery/MCD and the Cité internationale des arts, organized as part of the ART4MED program.


The European project More-than-Planet (2022 – 2025) finds an urgency to re-examine the way people understand and picture the environment on the level of the planet as a conceptual whole, together with partners Waag (NL), Ars Electronica (AT), Northern Photographic Centre (FI), ART2M/Makery (FR), Leonardo/Olats (FR) and Zavod Projekt Atol (SI). In a collaboration with artists, critical thinkers, and various experts from cultural, environmental, and outer space institutions, the project will address this crisis of planetary imaginary.

Aerocene is an interdisciplinary community that seeks to devise new modes of sensitivity, reactivating a common imaginary towards an ethical collaboration with the environment and the atmosphere, free from carbon emissions.

The Laboratory Planet The newspaper « The Laboratory Planet » was created in 2007 at the initiative of Ewen Chardronnet and the group of artists Bureau d’études who assumed overall editorial responsibility since. In the last issue (may 2024), we imagine a peasant and neo-peasant future, invented by planetary peasants, organized in diverse territories, cultivating biotopes that are more heterogeneous, more democratic, and therefore more habitable than those of imperial cities.


Rewilding Cultures is a Creative Europe collaborative project that aims to reposition nature and the wild in artistic practices linked to science and technology. The project was initiated and is coordinated by Projekt Atol Institute (SI) in partnership with Schmiede (AT), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), Catch / Helsingør Kommune (DK), Udruga Radiona (HR), Bioart Society (FI) and Makery.info (FR)

Archipelago: Art and Science Investigations in Times of Unstable Knowledge is a 20th months research program that proposes a distributed research collaboration between Switzerland, France, and Japan around issues of resilience, circularity, and carbon transition, with a focus on macro- and micro-systems, microbial worlds, and functional and evolutionary ecology. Supported by the synergies program of ProHelvetia.


The Roscosmoe platform is an art & science initiative that hosts or supports artists conducting researches in the field of marine biology & biodiversity in partnership with the Multicellular Marine Models laboratory of the Roscoff Marine Station (France). Roscosmoe connects marine biology, space ecology, design, anthropology of science and intermedia art.

The Soil Assembly is an international gathering of artists, designers, curators, architects, educators, activists, farmers, and hackers that highlights thinking in practice and monitors developments across local/critical zones, awareness of multi-species futures, environmentally friendly and fair transportation of food and feed, as well as social struggles for agroecology and climate justice.